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An email to Bill Shorten and Mark Butler

Received a survey email from Erin Swann of ALP Digital:

"..We want to make sure our community is heard. We have so many supporters who are passionate about so many different issues.

That’s why we’d like to hold a series of Facebook QandAs with Labor Shadow Ministers so that you can ask your questions about Labor’s plans and policies directly from the source.

So what issue are you most passionate about?..."

What followed was an extensive list of common concerns: Budget, NDIS, NBN, etc.etc.

- but missing was the most important party issue of all - internal democratic reform.

Without proper democratic reform we will get what the colluding factional cabals dictate we wil get - regardless of preferences that R&F members indicate via a well meaning survey.

So I sent off this reply:

Sent: Friday, 9 October 2015 14:34 To: 'Erinn Swan' Cc: ''; 'Shorten Bill' Subject: RE: What issue are you passionate about?

Hello Erin,

You left off the list the item I am most passionate about – Democratisation of the ALP.

I am sick of having OUR party hijacked by union based factional apparatchiks.

The 2015 NatCon was an insult to all R&F ALP members. All Bill Shortens fine words of April 2014, and Mark Butlers pledges leading up to the ALP President election were exposed as just powerless hollow words.

It is obvious to all with any knowledge of ALP affairs that Shorten and Butler were unable to deliver on their reform promises because they were over-ruled by despotic unelected factional groups. Both Shorten and Butler should have been well aware of that unsatisfactory situation before making undeliverable democratisation promises – they had over 12 months in the leadup to the 2015 NatCon to address these issues but did not.

When they became aware that they could not deliver on those promises of democratisation because of ‘factional dictate’ they should initiated actions available to the National Executive to put the matter back to the R&F membership for decision/direction. R&F have entrusted them with the responsibility to do so.

Shunting “reform” into the last hours of the conference, with not enough time allowed for serious debate is an indication of the convenors dismissive attitude and lack of commitment to reform – action was effectively avoided.

In the 18 months leading up to 2015 NatCon there should have been convened committees etc. to thrash out the reformed rules necessary to achieve the democratisation objectives that both Shorten and Butler said they passionately believed was necessary – no such effort or preparation was forthcoming.

Furthermore, they did not address the problem of corrupt voting practices on the floor of the NatCon – blatant vote packaging deals between colluding faction leaders to vote down reform measures, further compounding ongoing executive negligence.

Factions are killing the ALP –their unelected/unaccountable rule of the ALP is a corruption of process and contrary to the stated democratic values of the National Platform.

The National executive has a fiduciary duty to R&F members to deliver to members the their side of our common contract – contained in the provisions of the National Platform.

They also have a duty to address the ‘institutional risk’ from corporate corruption to the continued operation of the ALP itself as a party of the people for the people.

Rule by unelected unaccountable factions is an enticing wide open door to corrupt practice.

Powerful corporations thrive on corruption, they have virtually taken control of US governance processes- many astute analysts now describe the US as being ruled as a corporate owned plutocracy – it is no longer a proper/fair democracy under control of its citizens.

The ALP is at severe risk of infiltration and effective takeover from corporate interests due to the ALP executive indulged despotic control of unconstrained, unaccountable, collusive union based factional overlords.

Proper democratic process forms an essential integral part of the party’s protection against appropriation by commercial interests through corrupt means.

It is the duty of our National executive to ensure integrity of ALP governance.

Our leadership is failing us – the R&F members – as well as greater Australia.

ALP National Platform 2015

Chapter one states:

12. We stand for integrity and transparency in government and honesty in Labor, with no tolerance for corruption.

Chapter 10 states:

6. Government should be transparent and driven by electoral mandate, not hidden and unaccountable power. ….

7. Democratic and accountable government demands the highest standards of transparency and probity in the conduct of government and public services….

8. Elections and voting are essential to democracy, and ensuring all Australians can exercise their democratic franchise regardless of social class, race or background is an enduring Labor value.

14. Labor will foster a culture of integrity within Commonwealth public institutions – a culture of openness and honesty, transparency and accountability, with the highest ethical standards and zero-tolerance for corruption…..

20. Labor recognises the importance of corruption prevention and education as integrity building measures in addition to corruption investigation, detection and enforcement.

51. Labor is committed to the fair, open and transparent operation of our electoral system and to the essential democratic principle that every person should have the right to full participation in it.

Chapter 11

Democracy and human rights

20. Labor supports democracy everywhere. The aspiration of people to have the government of their choice is universal. People have the right to self-determination and a freely expressed and legitimate voice in their government.

If only all the above applied to internal ALP governance !!

..,,and why do they not?

Until the ALP executive address these matters of internal democracy above I am with-holding any further donations to George Wright’s regular appeals - I have no heart to continue to fund entrenched anti-democratic factions that treat us R&F with contempt.

John B.

R&F member Roselands Branch.

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