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There were right wing rallies { Reclaim Australia-UPF } and counter rallies {No Room For Racism} in Sydney.

The main stream media in Australia and the world in general is a sick beast,mentally deranged and geared only as a propaganda tool of the ruling elite.

Of course this is grist for their mill and they salivate at the anticipated hatred shown by both sides against eachother.

The MSM/LNP boganised bigots who claim not to be racist because they rally against Islam and Muslim immigration and refugees have not thought things out correctly at all [ just how the MSM want it ]

Meanwhile some pundits like myself have been saying to "counter ralliers" "Just leave them alone with the police and see what nonsense they do"

This argument is countered in that "they`ll preach to the feeble minded and even gain a bigger foothold"

So there you have it the day is set and so far away from the NATO sponsored terror of Islamic State in Syria and Iraq and the IS linked terror attacks in Paris so recently done.

Joseph Goebbels himself would have been proud to be alive and orchestrating events globally taking place,because you see these same rallies are taking place in all Western countries and populations are divided because of it.

The right wing hate mongers and fierce nationalists incidentally are by far the lower percentage of demonstrators but because the MSM is whipping these into a frenzy and war mongering "agents provocateurs" are dispersed amongst them the situation is volitile.

If in Australia it gets to the size of the right wing anti-refugee marches that recently happened in Poland { ten`s of thousands ] then blood will flow on Australian streets.

The right wing hate mongers and fierce nationalists are a Middle Eastern and European phenomenon currently as NATO tries to get Russia involved in an ever expanding WAR.

Their [US] interference in the Ukraine creating regime change just like Tunisia-Libya-Egypt-Iraq and what they`re trying to do in Syria is all about escalating conflict and drawing Russia into WAR.

All these Nations where the US led NATO forces are exacting regime change have been obliterated with the exception so far of the Ukraine.

Why has the Ukraine experienced less obliteration than the M/E States,because Russia has fought back and the Ukraine is splitting internally because US hegemony austerity politics has failed to create the uprising it wanted.

But here we are in Australia with the conservatives in Federal Parliament wanting us to join in with the US in Syria and even our ALP playing "team Australia" on this.

Drawing Russia into WAR.

Today 1/12/2015 and Turkey is to blockade Russia`s access to the Black Sea.

After their deliberate provacation of downing a Russian fighter bomber and then lying about it,Turkey is to committ another act of war against Russia.

As a NATO member this is serious indeed and we`ll se what transpires.

Meanwhile since Russia entered the Syrian conflict we`ve seen ISIS crippled and the truck fleet carrying stolen Syrian oil funding ISIS and going through Turkey is the reason for Turkishish aggression.

The pipeline in the North of Syria will be the next target of Russian/Syrian forces against ISIS.

ISIS the creation of the CIA and nurtured by NATO for control of resources and geo-political hegemony of the Coalition of the Willing who have invaded Syria according to the UN as no resolution or permission is granted.

Assad invited Russia in to stop this cruel madness that`s killed 10s of thousands of Syrians and displaced 4.5 million.

The EU is brunt to more than 250K Syrian refugees mixed into the Libyan/Tunisian/Iraqi and Afghan and we have a global refugee crisis all created by NATO&Partners


Stephen Fry created a meme and a case for bombing Syria because David Cameron is screaming out for WAR and even calling those not wishing to enter into the Syrian conflict "enablers of ISIS"

So far Malcolm Turnbull has kept the lid on a situation that Tony Abbott would have had a priapus attack and 50 flag pressers regularly.

The Murdoch media would have been beating the war drums and peoples blood pressure would again be too high.

Although now there is some noise concerning ISIS

People will notice I`ve been days writing this,and it`s because so much has changed and so fast.

1-We`ve found out that previous reports of oil truck convoys going through to Turkey are all true

2-We`ve found out that NATO is the ISIS enabler because Cameron is openly arguing on how the UK assisting the Syrian rebels against Assad is a must,

In the House of Commons today.

During his speech ISIS or ISIL somehow became Syrian rebels fighting Assad

Meanwhile polling in the UK say`s 75% of people are against Bombing Syria and lets face it,the gigs is up,the people know it`s a load of bollocks

I have said for years that the Syrian conflict is no different than the regime changes which happened in Tunisia-Libya-Egypt-Iraq2 and this conflict trying to topple Assad.

Way back when the West accused Assad of using Sarin Gas on his own people real Turkish Police work caught Al Nusra terrorists smuggling canisters of Sarin into Turkey en route to Syria

A story quickly hushed by our MSM.

This is far from over as Turkey has blocked Russian acces through to the Black Sea because of sanctions imposed on Turkey by Russia for the deliberate shooting of a Russian fighter bomber

So escalation can happen if cool heads do not prevail.

People have awoken to much of what is going on and realize that global austerity politics are there as a war precursor and people don`t want war

The People`s Climate marches globally were fantastic and showed corporate governments people power in action,now we need to help the Middle East rebuild with the aid of the aggressors so as refugees can return home


US Is "In Cahoots With ISIS," Iraqis Swear: "It Is Not In Doubt"

Please watch this you tube

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