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The GIF or giffy as a

digital artform has hit

new heights and is only constrained by lack of imagination

Howard should be questioned by

the ICC at The Hague IMHO

This parody speaks for itself as we saw the emergence of Reclaim Australia and United Patriots under Abbott`s watch


Unless stated all GIF`s and meme`s posted are mine.

It`s my intention that they be a parody of current events.

Some may shock and awe more sedate sensibilities.



The ICC should question Abbott at The Hague IMHO

The true terror facing Australians is unemployment.

Since Howard the statistics are a lie.

Since CES was privatized we have been defrauded of vast sums of revenue.

Private Hire Agencies have multiple listings for people and are paid per listing.

Many people list at different agencies seeking employment.

The LNP/IPA have deliberately placed Australia into Austerity ending all manufacturing.


You can take the man out of the merchant Bank,but you can never take the Merchant Banker out of the man

Bolt never said what`s written there but his naked love for Tony Abbott is well known

It`s 100% satire

Tony Abbott really did cry "Death Cult" far too often and his press releases in front of many flags showed him to be a tinpot type wannabe Dictator.

A calm has settled for now over our Nation with an end to the terror politics of Tony Abbott.

The Shock Jocks cry and lament at his loss

Tony Abbott will never occupy the back bench IMHO.


His ego won`t allow him.

It`s fitting that his office now is beside Bronwyn Bishop`s.


Will we ever find out if he illegally occupied ministerial office as a dual citizen?


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